Hello, I'm

Vraj Soni

A Computer Science Student From Boston

I'm a Undergrad Computer Science student at University of Massachusetts, Boston based in United States of America, and I love to code & technologies, passionate about photography & various sports.

  • Coding

    I really love my work. I love to write code, to solve problems, to distill my knowledge and skill into executable form and watch it operate outside of my head.

  • Photography

    I love photography because it is fun! Photographs help us share our memories with others. Photography allows us to express and bring out the beauty in front of us

  • Sports

    I love sports because it has provided me the foundation of strength & the development of many lifelong friendships.

I'm a Science Student, Coder, Photographer & Sports Player

For me Passion is energy. I feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites ME.

Hello there! I'm a science student based in USA, and I love to code & technologies, passionate about photography & various sports, I have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to make a success. I enjoy every step of the process, from discussion and collaboration. See myself become a Great coder and a polite human being.


Every Now and Again


My Recent Amazing Clicks

I tend to think of the act of photographing, generally speaking, as an adventure. One of my favorite thing. Click here to follow my Photography Facebook Page.


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  • 15



    With easy yet excellent documentation and powerful development tools, Java is the most preferred programming language by 9.6 million developers across the globe. According to the stats of Popularity of Programming Language(PYPL) by GitHub 2022, Java ranks as the 2nd most operating language.

    Multinational platforms, such as Spotify, Twitter, Opera Mini, Nimbuzz Messenger, and CashApp have also been built with Java programming language only.

    But why is Java so popular? and what are the benefits of using Java? To move into this concept first you need to understand that Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that stands for the computer programming model that organizes the web/app design around data or objects rather than functions and logic.

    Need more clarification? Here It Is

    This OOP attribute, the time and resources to maintain the live application reduction, is assured with Java - not with some deduction benefits but Java is also beneficial in increment of code reuse feature with ITS WORA (Write Once Run Anywhere) term.

    WORA in Java - one of the most beneficial points for both developers and businesses. This term basically describes the flexibility of the Java programming language - once the Java code is written on any particular system, then the Java developer can run and access it on any other Java-enabled system without any adjustment.

    How does business benefit from using Java development? simply with the same "Write Once, Run Anywhere" term, by running in different operating systems and servers with the same piece of code - Java development becomes cost-effective

    And when we come to the security point, Java is a type-safe programming language in itself, consisting of large sets of APIs, security algorithms, and automated garbage collection that enhances the robustness of the application's code.

    So many benefits for businesses and so are for being an expert in Java, as there are 1,23,000+ global java vacancies with a minimum wage of ₹9 Lakhs and a maximum of 15 Lakhs per annum.

    Want To Become An Expert In Java? Here Are The Steps To Follow

    Understand JVM Internals

    JVM is an acronym for Java Virtual Machine, which stands as part of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) - a system environment needed to run a Java code.

    Bytecode is the first format where Java programs get compiled (i.e. .class file) after which it gets executed by JVM. Any Java program which has first compiled on bytecode will be able to be executed on any other platform.

    Class loader subsystem, Runtime data areas, and execution engine are the three main components consisting of JVM.

     The class loader subsystem is also known as the dynamic class loading, the key responsibilities of the class loader subsystem are loading, linking, and initializing a java file

     The method area (storage area of complied text), PC registers threads, and other stack areas such as allocation of static memory and thread execution get managed by Runtime Data Areas

     Execution files such as an interpreter - the line-by-line scanner of programs, garbage collection area - automatic memory management by Java and the compiler where codes run get included in the Execution engine.

    Learn Java Microservices

    Before directly getting on Java microservices, let's get what microservices in general is - it is basically an architecture design built with small distributed blocks of codes which get handled by an individual or an individual team enabling it to scale updates and debug testing without disruption on the other parts of the application.

    Let's get on Java Microservices now - Java is a vast ecosystem of tools and frameworks, so driving entire applications by an individual can be a hazardous task. This Java Microservices enables bifurcating these tasks into different-different blocks, where with the single team the scope of work gets limited, this microservices help to perform the best yet precise work on each portion.

    This Java Microservices might also be reflected as an assembly line, where each microservices performs as each station. Thus, one-on-one specific tasks which strengthen the workflow with efficiency, consistency, and quality of work.

    Three Java frameworks that are great to use for building Java microservices

     Spring Book



    Understand Java Libraries

    When you are taking out a Java application, many collaborations with web and software developers take place because of design, implementation, or execution with testing of the current application while brainstorming better design and software ideas. Thus, already over-packed with work.

    But with Java libraries, the work gets more efficient with pre-written and reusable chunks of code that help to achieve the desired application quickly and easily.

    Here is the listing of 3 top Java libraries:

    Standards Libraries by Java

    Begin with the library and development provided by the programming language itself, as this library is mostly overlooked but consists of the most robust functionalities. Here are the few of them:





     Java.io /Java.nio

    2. Mockito

    It is an open-source mocking framework, ranked as the best mocking framework of Java - mostly used for unit testing of Java applications and to write them with clean and simple APIs. Mockito also helps developers to test dummy objects for behavior-driven and test-driven behavior.

    3. Apache Commons

    It is a general-purpose library, made with by comprising of various libraries, the Apaches project mainly aims the reusable Java components, i.e. Java libraries - a developer can directly use those resources without referring to any other ones.

     Commons IO

     Commons Numbers

     Commons Text

     Commons CSV

     Commons BSF

     Commons Crypto

    Last But Not The Least!

    There are many points we viewed throughout the journey of becoming a Java expert from a beginner, hope that helped you. But clearly, there are many practices that get understood with live answers or asking from experienced Java programmers only - If you are looking to improve your Java skills with the same, here is the link you can secure a seat to a Java course from industry expertise.

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    According to the studies there 70.7% global population plays board games, of which 70% play chess. Behavioral scientists have also conveyed that playing chess is a "theory of mind" - it holds the power to make empathy exercise and build healthy social relationships.

    Chess is also a great reflector of an individual's personality and characteristics as it simply reflects how much power their mind holds, what and which type of strategy they pick to get a way out of the situations, do their memory recollect the competitor's last trick and give moves the required attention?

    Not just these activating both brain sides, increase in intelligence levels, promoting reading readabilities, and many other brain growth benefits an individual can get with playing chess which is what makes it a popular game across the world people.

    For some of those it's a hobby, and for others it's a skill in which at least one game gets added to their schedule on a daily basis. But it is mostly seen among chess players and especially beginners that after some time playing chess gets discontinued by them due to continuous game losing or change of mind perspective/interest.

    But rather than giving up, practicing more and building game-winning strategies doesn't sound like a better option? Yes, clearly it is. Let's see how setting strategies will help in improving chess.

    Why Chess Strategy Is Necessary?

    If you ever watch chess professionals, they'll always describe that the first move is important but not the entire game - If you want to win the game, each move made by the competitor is necessary to note and strategize the further steps according to it.

    And with the help of this strategizing, the evaluation of moves, winning ratio by points of pieces, and time needed to achieve the same get simplified - getting the current status of the competitor can also to knew by us with this calculation.

    Which means one can't thoroughly be aware but at least predict the further game with high probabilities to create a win-win situation on their side.

    Strategies to Master in Chess

    #1 Keep Reviewing and Learning From Your Chess Game

    Winning on the chess board will be your second victory, but the learning you give to yourself from a mistake always stands first. Doesn't matter on which level, a win or loss - you always need to keep a track of your games, moves that turned the tables, and how will you give it an improvement in the next match.

    Even if you are practicing at home, with your friends/family keep a habit to keep a book with you where you can note the steps of the entire chess game and can also benefit to practice again and building better strategies.

    #2 Not to Memorize Openings

    Building a better opening for yourself and keep sticking just to the same, are two different things. Undoubtedly a strong opening always helps to attack competitors in many ways but their mindsets can also make a different move, and sticking to the same opening can actually create turbulence in your mind.

    So giving your opening game a change, practicing with professionals, and avoiding playing on applications offering to undo your steps is the must strategy that will help you in improving the game.

    #3 Watch Top Players' Game and Try To Implement In Your Game

    Especially the live ones, try to make your own notes and think about the move from the sides. First of all, you'll need to write down each step then think about what made the player to move the piece like that, the next execution they are trying to achieve, and if that not how'll the game will move and what will be their defense move.

    So next time if that is what your chess board brings to you, you'll be confidently prepared for the next move with the strategy and the timeline to accomplish it.

    #4 Study Both Opening and End Games

    A good start is when you've set the entire board situation on your side, with a strategized layout and keeping your all pieces secured. After this the game doesn't end quickly, an evaluated trading of pawns and pieces is a usual scenario we all can expect during it.

    Here are the points each piece of chess contains:

    Pawn = 1
    Bishop = 3
    Rook = 5
    Queen = 9
    King = infinity

    Please note the king is the whole and soul of the game, even if it's just a check - not a check mate - but just a check get received by your king then your game is asking for more of your attention. So while the middle game rather than just putting each piece at risk to show defense, keeping it secure for a winning ending is the best closer.

    #5 Don't waste much time

    If you keep all the above points in your mind, this is definitely not gonna happen but in case any of those got missed or lack of attention during the game - this can turn into a huge hazard.

    So before the time starts hammering on your head, as you might drive the long way of finding more and better moves give yourself a pause to find out the best yet minimum moves fitting to the current board situation with a backup plan for the next moves.

    And Check Mate!

    That could be your next verses, but one condition for that is keeping the strategies in your mind and giving them the required practice. And we both are clearly aware that chess is not a game of just a few steps but an entire book of strategic steps in itself. So to cover that remaining chapters, chess learner is a favorable chess coaching where all of your moves and strategies will climb parallelly.

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    "The painter constructs, the photographer discloses."

    - Susan Sontag

    By capturing moments lively and giving them a forever place in hearts! Photography isn't all about being profound and gathering some serious stuff in your Canon but adding value to our lives by collecting all those life events and even some beautiful moments we've spent with ourselves and nature.

    Rather it's about randomly roaming the city or sharing the trip you life-long wished for - the pieces of moments which get collected by you are always there to keep those memories alive by reframing the entire world in your uniqueness and expressing what actually you are!

    A Quite More About It!

    Yes, photography is therapy but that's not the only thing it stands for, an improvement in mental health and wellness is how you nurture yourself when getting into photography. While focusing on positive life experiences, the entire procedure helps to understand your self-worth more clearly and reduces all the stress hormone cortisol.

    Converting your introverts into extrovert characters is what another thing photography benefits with, as a photographer goes miles away there are many during the journey who are curious about this subject, are eager to know about the adventures you did all the way - and who knows may turn into your trip buddy too?

    Now after so many plus points, who won't choose photography as a profession, which is why photography itself offers 28 different types to start your career with your capturing passion - In which Portrait Photography is the 1st standard type one chooses, and another one is macro photography which mostly gets picked for scientific research.

    You can choose 1,2,3,4... and any number of photography types to learn, but skilling up is necessary for each of them, and today that's what we are going to do in portrait and macro photography.

    What is Portrait Photography?

    Portraiture is another word used for portrait photography, which is a common yet good to go for beginner type photography. This type mainly aims to capture the actual personality of an individual, or else we can say their identity or emotions with the use of poses, lightning, and importantly of all the background atmosphere.

    Images from this can be conducted in both candid or posed types, typically focused on the subject's face and eyes with lightning and a backdrop that conveys the tone/emotion of getting captured. There are many ways in which portrait photography can be used, such as engagement captures, professional headshots, family portraits, and also senior portraits.

    How to Improve Portrait Photography?

    Use smoother lights

    Not the direct sun exposure, it will be harsh but the rays from the window, shutter blinds, or even a screen can be your better assistance to get an awesome portrait.

    It might not always turn out the way you want but going for the creation of flash with an angle is what you can go for. By which a split, loop, rembrandt, or any other natural lightning creation can be achieved from rays.

    Use props and better backdrops

    With this the photographer gets the license to make the image more contextual, in any form - could be for adding some more basics, making the subject's emotion reflect better, to add some fun.

    In short, anything that makes the visual more interesting that grabs more and more attention of viewers and makes them drive through the deep thoughts you are trying to convey through photography. Lastly conducts in evoking sensations and makes viewers stick to the portrait for a long time.

    Familiarize yourself with the color wheel

    Color is the first thing that communicates with viewers, it can make them gaze or go away in just a second so you need to be very precise with the keep of colors you are picking and serving to the observers.

    It is about understanding the contrast between warm and cool palettes while placing props, backdrops, or any other additional elements according to it and making the actual the highlight of the photography. For this, a portrait photographer can also ask the model to dress up in particular colors or select a location that turns to the schema you are looking for.

    What is Macro photography?

    In simple words, macro photography is all about taking a closer picture of miniature subjects and showcasing them in a magnified form than their real-life sizes.

    These macro pictures can be captured at both studio and natural locations, but the condition is that the photographer must get an ample environment to magnify the subject sufficiently. With macro photography, individuals capture the unseen minute beauty of nature such as water drops, beetles, bugs, flowers, and a creative world of minutes with endless possibilities.

    How To Improve Macro Photography?

    Use flashes

    The primary benefit one can get from this is to get a sharp image within the shutter speed while getting the subject at the focus - in case the environment doesn't offer ample lighting, a camera's slight flash or macro ring light can also help to overcome this concern.

    Please note a higher exposure can disturb your subject, so the use of light rays and softened light flashes should always be operated for macro photography.

    Manual rather than autofocus

    As macro photography includes high-level magnification, the camera's autofocus ceases to work as it's naturally aware of the focal point we want to focus on.

    So rather than going for the feature, try to be as close with the proper angle as you can to the subject. Once you find the correct position, still your body there and try to capture pictures in different dimensions.

    Capture More and More

    Each method, shade, and measurement should be performed while even taking one pic. Because this is only how you'll improve and get to know about more enhancement possibilities.

    By keeping the door open for experiments, firstly you get a good but next the better form of macro photography, which is most important in this type of photography because you might not even get to see the same nature's little beauty this closely.

    Let's give it a frame now!

    From portrait to macro today we have seen many arts to do with photography skills. Definitely, there are unlimited horizons one can capture with these but as seen the procedure is precise, and to help you with the same we at [client's studio name], are always there to better up your skills under the endeavor's professionals.

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